Sunday, June 1, 2014

Leave a Mark

About 10 years ago, I stumbled across Steve Lloyd - a potter in Princeton, MN that was doing community wood-firings.  I reached out and asked if I could play.

He didn't know me from Adam, but he welcomed me into his studio, his home, and his community of artisans.  He shared his knowledge and his supplies, and celebrated with me when we unloaded the finished pieces from the kiln.  

A piece of Steve's that I purchased from their wee-little farm house studio.

I only participated in a couple of firings with Steve before he and his wife Becky decided to pick up and move to North Carolina to pursue the next season of their career together.  But the memories of feeling welcomed into their space have lingered on for a decade.  

Steve passed away recently.  Much too young. 

He left a mark on me - thru a few interactions over a few months time, he demonstrated what it looks like to pursue your passion, to invite others into it, and to create community.  

He will always have my respect and I hope to model what I learned from him awhile back. 

So today, I've got two asks of you:
  • Check out Steve & Becky's work.  It's beautiful.  I love the fact that Steve throws the work and that Becky completes the surface decoration.  The relationship and partnership is inspiring.

  • Figure out what mark you want to leave on those around you and start pursuing it if you haven't already.  The world needs your story and you're the only one that can tell it.  
 Love to you and yours.  pba. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Friday Fusion, Volume 7 - NEEDTOBREATHE, "Multiplied"

Thought this one was appropriate for Easter weekend.  Enjoy!

It's been a NEEDTOBREATHE week.  Lovin' all of their stuff right now. 

Your love is like radiant diamonds
Bursting inside us we cannot contain
Your love will surely come find us
Like blazing wildfires singing your name

God of mercy, sweet love of mine
I have surrendered to your design
May this offering stretch across the sky
These hallelujahs be multiplied

Your love is like radiant diamonds
Bursting inside us we cannot contain
Your love will surely come find us
Like blazing wildfires singing your name
God of mercy, sweet love of mine

I have surrendered to your design
May this this offering stretch across the sky
These hallelujahs be multiplied

(Multiplied, Multiplied, Oh Multiplied)

God of mercy, sweet love of mine
I have surrendered to your design
May this this offering stretch across the sky
These hallelujahs be multiplied
These hallelujahs be multiplied

Your love is like radiant diamonds
bursting inside us we cannot contain
Your love will surely come find us
Like blazing wildfires singing your name

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Friday Fusion, Volume 6 - Harbor & Home, "Kings"

Time for a nod to a local group that recently concluded a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund the recording of their first album - Harbor & Home 

We recently had the opportunity to check 'em out in concert and were impressed with their potential.  Kings is a great tune - check it out!

And check out their new album in a few months.  Recording is done and it's in the process of getting mastered by the same gent that has worked with The Lumineers, Alicia Keys, and other faboooolous artists.  

If you're a vocal supporter, maybe they'll include you in their VH1 Behind the Music special. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday Fusion, Volume 5 - David Wilcox, "Burgundy Heart Shaped Medallion"

This is an oldy, but a goody.  A beautiful message in less than 2:00 flat.  
It's dedicated to Trisha Rene - as it has been for well over 15 years now.

Forget about everything, focus on someone you care about, and soak it in.
It also works as a song from God to you.

David Wilcox

Cheers. pba. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday Fusion, Volume 4 - Judah & The Lion, "Back's Against the Wall"

It took me a total of 2 notes to figure out I like these guys.  Not kidding.

They were performing at the Storyline Conference in Nashville last October.  I noticed their merch stand out in the hall on the way in, but wanted to find a spot to sit.    

I went in, sat down, heard two notes, put my books down on the floor, got up, walked out and bought both EPs they were selling, then came back in and listened to the rest of their set. 

The woman next to me was all-like "Did you just buy both of those?!".  
And I was all-like "Hellllllz Yeah".  Or something like that.  

Today's song is called "Back's Against the Wall" and it's a hopeful southern anthem-like thing.  I listened to it very loudly (on repeat) on the drive home with the sunroof open. I hope you like it.  pba. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday Fusion, Volume 3 - Steve Moakler, "Riser"

This week's tune is a brand-spankin'-new one from Nashville-based singer/song-writer, Steve Moakler.  You might remember him from such excellent adventures as the feeding of Buddy the Blue Beta Fish...

Steve Moakler following thru on his word.
And a very happy girl.
Steve is the one on the left.  (October of 2013)  

The tune is called "Riser" and it makes me think of my brother Dean. 
If I was a singer, I'd sing it to my wife.  

It's good.  Listen to it.  
And then go buy the album. 

(Lyrics included below if you can't understand his thick accent.  Kidding.  He doesn't have a thick accent.  He's from Pittsburgh.)


Lay your pretty head down on my shoulder
You don't have to worry anymore
This old world is cold and getting colder
But I know how to lock and bolt the door

I'm strong enough to hold you through the winter
I'm mean enough to stare your demons down
Hard times put the shine into the diamond
But I won't let that keep us in the ground

'cause I'm a Riser
I'm a get up off the ground don't run and hider
When pushing comes to shove, hey, I'm a fighter
When darkness hits the town, I'm a lighter
A get out aliver, of the fire

If we ain't got the money, I can make it
I ain't afraid of working to the bone
If I don't know what I'm doing, I can fake it
I'll pray 'til Jesus rolls away the stone

I'm a tryer
I'm a get down low so I can lift you higher
An army couldn't keep down my desire


An equally fabulous Moakler tune is Crooked Heart.  I think it's going to be in my playlist for a long time... Have a fabulous weekend.  pba.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Good Luck Topping My Mom's Story

I’m fortunate to work for an authentic leader.  She brings all of herself to bear, all of the time. 

She’s been at Target for 30+ years, she has climbed the ladder, and she’s finding herself in a season of reflection as her twin daughters graduate from college and move on to write their own stories. 

During a recent team meeting, while discussing the decisions she has made as a parent and as a leader, she said something that stuck with me:   “We have to make decisions and we can’t spend our time figuring out if they are all right or wrong.  They just are.”

As she spoke, thru tears, I couldn't help but draw parallels between her and my mom.    

They are both continual learners that ended up being pioneers in their areas of expertise.  They are both women that deliberately, and materially, changed gender perceptions within male-dominated environments.  They are both individuals that have created numerous opportunities for others.  And they’re both wondering how they've done as moms.    

Recent recognition for my mamasita.

My mom’s full story is a long one and a single blog post can’t possibly do the journey the justice it deserves.  So, instead of trying to re-tell it, I’m going to focus on the lessons I've learned from watching her live it:
  •          If you want something, be tenacious.
  •          If someone tells you that you can’t do something, don’t accept it at face value.
  •          Fear is a bitch.  She’s mean, and she’s a liar.
  •          Courage is taking action even when you doubt yourself.
  •          Don’t ever stop learning.
  •          If you have initiative, you are ahead of at least 80% of the population.
  •          Enabling your kids to experience more is a cause worth fighting for.
  •          Feeling deeply often hurts.  Do it anyway. 
  •          Living with the mindset of a fighter makes Grace difficult to internalize.
  •          Be comfortable in your own skin.
  •          Redeem your hurts or they will haunt you.
  •          Root for, and directly support, the underdog.

Good stories are marked by characters that know what they want and have to go thru conflict to get it.  They include grit, love, risk, and sacrifice.  They’re about something more than the main character.

She’s still working on it, but I’d stack my mom’s story up against just about any other story that has been written.   My hope and prayer is that she’s able to read it the same way, and finish writing it with no regrets.  That’s what she deserves.

I love you, mom.  Always yours, Peter.  (Mom’s the only one that gets to call me Peter.  So don't even think about it.)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday Fusion, Volume 2 - Tyrone Wells, "You Still Love Me"

Tyrone Wells' album "Where We Meet" has been dominating my playlist all week.  

Great voice, mellow acoustic feel, and great lyricism.  

"You Still Love Me" is a great example.  Enjoy.  

Monday, March 10, 2014

Passin' Notes

Both of my kids will be in double-digits by the time school is out this year.  12 & 10.  Crazy. 

They are, or soon to be, in the dreaded "Middle School Years" ...<gasp>... where most of us have many-an-awkward memory (if we haven’t figured out how to block them).

So… here we are, getting ready to coach our kids thru the chaos that is adolescence, and, ready or not, here it comes. Trish and I find ourselves starting to share stories of really embarrassing social interactions as well as some mountain-top-positive moments we experienced (the latter attempting to balance out the horror of the former). 

The current topic of sharing and reflection is the ever-so-adorable “Do-You-Like-Me?” note-passing process.  The first time we fumble through explaining our feelings for another and asking if they feel that way too has to rate right up there with the most nerve-wracking times of youth. 

But it’s also one of the most beautiful, and I think it’s one that we let go of too easily as we “grow up”.   As we get older, we start letting Hallmark talk for us.  We settle for innuendo because we understand adult humor.  We get all grown-up in our language describing love.  We stop asking if the other person reciprocates.  We take stuff for granted. 

I think I wanna start passing notes with Trish.  Wonderfully awkward and innocent notes that say stuff like, “I’ve been thinking about you for a super long time and I think you’re really neat.”  And that, “I have fun when we’re hangin’ out and I think we should do that more often.”   And ask her if she feels that way too. 

That’s the stuff that skips your head and just goes straight to your heart (and melts it).  The kind of stuff that says someone likes you no matter what you’re going thru at the time.   Really good stuff. 

Say a prayer for our kids (they’re gonna need it with the two of us as their parents), then get out there and get beautifully awkward with someone you “like” really soon.  You probably both need it more than you remember.   

Cheers.  pba. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Fusion, Volume 1 - The Vespers, "Lawdy"

Song of the Week:  The Vespers, "Lawdy"
This Nashville-based quartet consists of two sets of siblings.  They're part of a growing collection of Folk-Americana groups that have grabbed my fancy over the past couple of years.  They're young, creative, and pursuing a great story.  

"Lawdy" is simultaneously light and dark - a fragile voice pursuing guidance, comfort, and support.  It rings true as it builds.  I can relate and I love it.  Hope you do to.  

Why I'm sharing them:

Music has been a faithful companion of mine since I was a wee lad.  M
any a great visual memory is backed by a soundtrack in my mind. 
  • My brother's basement room in our townhome in Cudahy, WI - with Rush, Boston, and Van Halen 1984 spinnin' on the turntable.  
  • A front-row balcony seat in a tiny chapel on the campus of Washington & Lee University to see a large portion of the Marsalis family (Branford & Ellis) perform amazing Jazz. 
  • A decade dominated by R.E.M. and one-off alternative bands keeping me company in the Ceramics Studio during all-night artistic binges
  • Newly married in a top-down, doors-off Jeep Wrangler, with Santana out-dueling the wind.
  • Celebrating my brother's 35th at a Boston concert with some 50-year-old pot smokers in front of us.  ("What's that smell?", "Do you have any brownies on ya'?")
  • Multiple opportunities to soak in the Civil Wars - from a tiny Minneapolis to a sold-out show at the State Theatre
  • Date nights with friends for Third Day, David Crowder, The Lone Bellow 
  • And many more....

Last October we hosted a night with Steve Moakler - a Nashville-based singer/songwriter. I absolutely loved the process of promoting the show, organizing the logistics, and pullin' off a great night with old friends and new.

If you weren't there, I wish you could've been.  It was a blast and we'll be doing similar events in the future.  

So, until we host another show, consider these soon-to-be-weekly posts as an invitation to experience some new tunes and connect as a virtual community around a song or two.  Let 'em soak in.   


Monday, March 3, 2014

I'm Better at Comparing Than You Are.

I've been practicing for years. 

I've only been un-practicing (totally a real word) for about 8 months.  

In the past, when I compared myself to others, my innards looked a little something like:
  • a kid that felt really small.
  • a very sarcastic and negative person.
  • someone that didn't like who they were.
  • an entitled soul waiting to spout off on God about how much they'd been wronged.
  • a selfish and resentful spirit wallowing in what wasn't or what might have been.

Just recently, my un-practicing (still totally a real word) has resulted in what I'll call "positive comparisons" - times where I've been able to see a faint outline of the path He has me on so that I can use comparison in healthy ways like: 
  • getting motivated toward growth when I see folks that are farther down the path than me.
  • seeking God's direction as I observe others that inspire me and that I respect.
  • celebrating the successes of those that I hold dear.

In order to carry off this healthier form of comparison, we need to:
  • try to love ourselves like He loves us (emphasis on try)
  • care about others a little more than we care about ourselves
  • get a buzz off of seeing others be successful (it's addicting, I promise)
  • like a little bit of whimsy in our lives
  • be patient
  • respect our own journey

In short, the only time that I am not diminished when others succeed is when I trust that my Creator has me on a path that matters.  The longer I un-practice comparing, the more realize that my story doesn't even have to be in the middle of a fulfilling chapter for it to work.  As long as my frame of mind is that He loves me and He knows what He's doing with me, I can celebrate someone else's success.  

I don't have a 3-step process to stop comparing in unhealthy ways.  If I did, steps 1 and 2 would be 'fail trying', and step 3 would be repeat the first two steps until you finally do it right every now and again.  Trial and error at its finest.  Nothing magical about it.  I still flub it up as often as I do it in a productive way.  

What I do have is a growing confidence in the fact that your story matters, that it can stand on its own, and that it doesn't have to be diminished by the successes of those around you. 

He didn't put you here to compare yourselves against His other kids.  He put you here to write your story with all of your heart, mind, spirit, and strength.  And He wants you to have that story.  Just like you want your kids to have their dreams come true.   

Let's do it together and root for each other every step of the way. 

If you've taken a few steps toward your story and have something to celebrate, let me know. 
First round's on me.  Cheers.   pba.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Positive Side Effects of a Dead Battery

Earlier this week my phone battery died as I was sitting waiting for the bus home.  <gasp>

I didn't have my iPad and I intentionally left my laptop at the office.  
I started to twitch violently.  Well... not really...

...but it did became painfully obvious just how dependent I have become on my gadgets. It took me a few seconds to shake the mild sense of panic that hit me, but I was able to establish a totally old-school strategy: pen & paper

As part of my Storyline journey, one of my ambitions is to get more diligent with writing. Near-daily blogs are one of the methods that I've talked about doing as a way to learn and build some creative momentum.  

So I spent some time simply jotting notes about topics that could turn into potential blog posts. 

My kick butt People of the Second Chance Notebook

After a few false starts and self-conscious moments, a couple of concepts started to flow and I began to remember what it used to feel like prior to my smart phone addiction.  

I liked how it felt and I like the work I've done over the past couple of days since.  

The real me sleeps in my phone.  It becomes alive on paper when boxes are drawn, arrows connect ideas, and doodles fill in the gaps.  

I may just start letting that battery die more often.

So here's to your real self.  I hope you have had the chance to stumble across it over the past couple of days... I can hardly wait to hear about what it wants to do.  pba.


Top 10 Ways to Risk Your Life on a Suburban Bus

The Suburban Bus is its own universe.  

When you step foot inside the magic hydraulic door, you have entered into a land of unwritten, but very apparent, rules and expectations.  

If you find yourself in violation, you will know it.  Passive aggressive gasps and eye rolls will be launched in your direction and you'll see the faces of normally amiable soccer moms and cubicle-dwelling fathers take on menacing expressions.

I've been spending at least an hour a day in this other-worldly place for about the past 8 years and thought it was high-time I did a public service by peeling back the bus roof so you can peek in.  

Print out this guidance and have it with you the first time you find yourself in need of public transport.  

Spoken in the tone of everyone on the bus.  No one in particular.  
Once you're on the bus, you're part of the collective.  There is no individual voice.  

1. Pay Cash.  Only newbies pay cash (for a maximum of 3 business days).  All others have pre-paid cards that get scanned on the way in.  Want lazer beams to come through the back of your head?  Make a line of 10+ people wait in below-zero temps while you fumble around with your crumpled dollar bills.  Jerk. 

2. Talk.  We're ants on our way to the ant farm that is downtown Minneapolis.  Unless we've been working together, or riding the bus together for more than a year, let's keep the chit-chat to a minimum.  Thanks much. 

3. Sit on My Lap.  The bus designer made the seats narrow.  I know it sucks, but try to keep your cheeks in the designated area.  If you do accidentally sit on me (who hasn't, right?), please acknowledge the mistake and scootch back over.  Even if it means you've got a cheek hangin' off into the aisle.  Your Ben & Jerry's obsession ain't my problem.     

3a. Sit Next to Someone When There Are Completely Open Rows Available.  That's just creepy.  If there are 7 urinals on the wall and one guy is peein', you don't saddle up next to 'im, do you?  Same rules apply here - only double-up when you have to.  Perv. 

4. Bring Your Luggage.  We all know you work hard.  Try leaving at least a PORTION of your office at work tonight, OK?  Three-bag Wednesday isn't a tradition where the rest of us are from and we don't have enough room for all of your crap.  

5. Take That Call from Your College Buddy.  Save your energetic reunion for the park-n-ride parking lot, k?  If we don't want you to talk to us, we don't want you to talk to them either.  I'm playing Candy Crush over here and you're messing up my mojo. 

6. Speaking of Candy Crush.  Try turning your sound off, moron.  This ain't your living room and we're all sick of the sound effects.  

7. Try a Breathe Right Strip, Sleepy Head.  It was a long night, you're tired and maybe a little hung over.  We've all got our issues.  But seriously, if you can't stay awake for a 35-minute bus ride, try a cup o' joe on the way out the door tomorrow.  Or at least let us know we can smack you if you start snoring.   

8. Cough & Sniff.  Alot.  "Our favorite thing ever is sitting in a petri dish with you and your germs", said nobody.  Take a sick day or drive next time, k?  Feel better. 

9. Just TRY to Protect the Seat Next to You.  We all know it's comfier without someone sitting hip-to-hip.  Leaving your crap on the spot next to you so we can't sit down is not an appropriate solution.  It's legal to violate rule 3a if you're selfish enough to try to "protect" the space around you on a public bus.  Get over yourself. 

10. Get off the Bus in the Wrong Order.  It's simple.  Folks that had to stand all the way home get off first.  People in the front handicapped spots get off second.  The rest of the bus gets off, in order, row-by-row from front-to-back (think Wedding or Funeral).  If you sat your arse in the last row, that's your fault.  Be patient or risk having Gramma Betty slash your tires tomorrow morning. 

*Note: a City Bus has its own set of rules.  I don't pretend to understand them.  I'm a suburbanite through-and-through. 

Once you silently acknowledge the rules by following them for at least 6 months without a violation, you'll earn the right to talk about your kids' soccer games with folks that look familiar (but only right at the beginning and the end of the ride - see rule 2).  

Feel free to pass these tips along to your friends and family. (and enjoy your commute)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Stop Trying to Quit Stuff

Don't know if you've heard, but rumor has it we're livin' in a "broken world". 

Normally when I hear that term, it's referring to something that sounds pretty messed up: physical violence, human trafficking, addiction, Obamacare, etc.  

Our brokenness shows itself in simple ways: we do stuff we don't want to do.  We aren't who we want to be.  So then we work at being who we're told we should be.  And most of us tend to force it.     

I, for one, am a recovering performance-based Christian: one of those guys that talked about faith, but really lived in the land of good-deed-tally-sheets, all while doing my best to hide my own brokenness.  Someone who was inherently judgy and absent of real love.  Someone that was just livin' scared.   

A hyprocrite that spewed religious talk on people while living in shame and fear all the while.  Setting out to "save" those around me in order to lift myself up, not to share a Savior with them (because I didn't really know Him well enough to share Him).  What a crappy story to spend our time writing.    

Note:  don't get me wrong, I sincerely believe we all need saving.  I'm just not the guy that can save myself (or you), so I'm going to stop pretending I know jack or that I've ever been better than anyone else.  Instead, I'm going to tell you I love you and see if you'd be willing to walk the path with me for awhile (for our mutual benefit).  

Hopefully we can both keep our eyes peeled for where we're being led.  (Two eyes are better than one... unless you're a cyclops... or something like that... feel free to Tweet that if you'd like.)

The guy that made me start thinking about loving everybody and taking it seriously, also talks about quitting stuff.  He believes we have the power to quit stuff at any time, so he randomly selected Thursday as a day to quit stuff.   He quits something he doesn't want to do anymore every Thursday.  I love the concept, but when I focus on quitting stuff, I tend to not quit stuff.  I tend to do more of it.  Someone in Romans talks about doing stuff they don't want to do.  I'm that guy.  

Well, lately I've had some stuff I don't want to be doing cease to be stuff that I'm doing - which has been really cool - but it hasn't been because I've willed my way toward quitting something.  

The success I've experienced has been based on pursuing new stories that include stuff that I want to do and be about, not the stuff that I don't want to do.  The shift in perspective doesn't feel major, but it has been transformational for me over the past year+.  

I spent years trying to quit stuff.  It just made me think about the stuff I wanted to quit... and feel weak and small for not being able to quit it.  It wasn't workin' for me <insert nod to Dr. Phil here>

If you're good at quitting stuff, pick something this Thursday and quit it.  If you're like me, don't try to quit anything, use Thursday to start something new - use it to take the first step in the direction you feel you're being led - take the step even if you're not sure.  If you focus on that next step, the other crap you've been shaming yourself about might just start to fade away.  I'll give you Wednesday to process.  

p.s.  The new you is gonna be friggin' awesome!    

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lambeau Love

I was born in South Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  In order to get my birth certificate notarized, my parents first had to commit to the love of bowling, beer, and the Green Bay Packers.  

I carried the tradition forward, so my wife and 2 kiddos are all fans.  We watch the games in our living room - in jerseys.  We scare the dog as we jump around and yell at the TV.  We have a set of Packer player Russian Nesting Dolls.  We polka (not really).

That said, I‘m the only one of us that had ever seen a game at Lambeau… until an unusually large number of tickets were available after the Packers beat the Bears in the final game of the season to earn a home playoff game. 

We jumped on the opportunity to cross an item off of our family’s bucket list.  We bought tickets, spent 48 hours game planning our outfits in preparation for sub-zero temps, and road-tripped from Minnesota to the game just in time for the gates to open. 

The Andersons go to Lambeau
As residents of a neighboring state, we’re not used to being embraced for our loyalty to the Pack.  We often feel like a bit of a green-and-gold island in a sea of Viking purple. 

At Lambeau, it doesn’t matter if you’re short or tall, fat or skinny, attractive or not.  If you’re a Packer fan, you’re in.  I mean really in.  Strangers talk to you like you’re a long-lost friend.  You celebrate big plays with High 5s and hugs.  You console each other after bad calls or blown plays.  And, regardless of the game’s outcome, it’s hard to walk away without feeling like you’re part of the club – exactly as you are. 

 There is power in an accepting community. 

 I want to be a part of that kind of community every day.  One where we recognize we’re truly all on the same journey, where we’re rooting for (and helping) each other to succeed, and where we console and support each other when times are tough.    

Storyline has taught me how to help form a community that, for all practical purposes, fits that description.  When we recognize that our stories matter, that epic tales are marked by selfless desire and risk, and that pursuing stuff that matters is always worth the conflict that will come, we lay the foundation for some Lambeau-esque love. 

If you haven’t checked out Donald Miller yet, I encourage you to do so.  Your story needs telling and I, for one, am rooting for you.  You don’t even have to like the Packers.

(Miller is a Seahawks fan and we love him anyway)