Saturday, December 15, 2012

Walls Are Made for Climbing


Our first couple of Storyline teams are wrapping up soon.  (Next week)

Six guys (myself included) have documented their ambitions, practical ways to achieve them, and the climactic scenes they're pursuing. 

We also documented the anticipated obstacles and conflict that we'll experience along the way: the walls. 

This last week I felt like I ran flat into one of those brickish boogers by: 
  • getting lazy after achieving my weight loss goal
  • missing a couple of self-imposed deadlines
  • internalizing some judgy feedback
  • choosing slumber over action
  • talkin' smack to myself
  • essentially... being passive and listening to lies
So last night I shook it off and followed thru on a commitment that my wife doesn't even know I've made to her.  That one step to move through fear and push back toward the story I want to write is the equivalent of hopping the wall.  I knew the wall was coming, it showed up, and I climbed it.

I see other walls ahead, and I know the men I'm walking with are unconsciously building some of their own as I type. Thankfully, our Creator gave us The example of perseverance in the form of His Son.  He taught us how to climb. 

Sometimes we'll need a push in the keester from a climbing buddy. And sometimes we'll have to have faith that He'll help us take the next step when we think we can't do it anymore.

But, at the end of the day, there is no drama necessary. 

Just need to grab with a hand, press a foot on a ledge, and do the work. He has shown time and time again that He'll honor the climb.

My hope for you is that you understand where you want to go, that the vision of your destination/impact will make the climb worth the effort, and that you will find Joy in the journey.    

You have great stories inside of you.  Greater stories than you believe you're capable of writing.

Go write 'em.  

p.s.  If you'd like to learn more about Storyline, please let me know.  Trish and I recently purchased a case of the books and will be happy to share them with anyone that is serious about experiencing the process.